Mandalas by Prem Shashi
Yggdrasil Hill
Created: 2012
Original mandala:
16.5in x 16.5in
(42cm x 42cm)

Digital version background: Photoshop
Various sizes and formats
NOT JUST ONE, BUT FOUR massive trees of the world – one for each compass point – stand on a hill, dominating a peaceful landscape. Also rising on the top of the hill are four great rivers, whose waters flow down onto the plains and away into the world. Both the trees, whose powerful roots are intricately interwoven with each other, and the rivers, have their source right down at the centre of the earth, in the fire of its heart.
While the rivers carry their waters across the planet, the enormous trees rise up through the atmosphere and touch the darkness of space with the tips of their branches, which become like antennae, receivers and transmitters of whatever flows between the realms. There is immense energy in their twisting twining branches, charged as they are from sources both above and below.
These vast, ageless trees are inhabited by their keepers on the earth, who have carved out dwellings within their trunks and boughs. Down on the plains at the foot of the hill, large temples stand, in honour of the hill of trees and the great rivers that flow between them. The whole site is protected from the wear and tear of the world by a ring of low mountains.